Readmission to NITEP

Sometimes interruptions to programs are necessary. If you are interested in returning to NITEP, please take the following steps:

1. Write a letter addressed to the NITEP Director, stating:

  • why you left NITEP
  • why you want to return to NITEP
  • what you have been doing since you left the program.

2. Submit any official transcripts of college or university transfer work completed.

3. Complete an application for Re-admission

4. Submit two confidential Reference Report Forms.

5. If you are offered readmission to the NITEP program, you will be asked to submit documentation and payment for a new criminal record check. Information regarding this check will be sent with offers of readmission.

Your program will be assessed and reviewed once all official transcripts are received and all of the above readmission steps are fulfilled. If you have any questions, please call 604 822 5240.

Submit to the following address:

Faculty of Education, University of British Columbia
1985 West Mall
Vancouver, BC V6T 1Z2
Fax: 604 822 8944