UBC Tuition Fees:
Band Sponsorship – Third Party Billing:
Awards for Aboriginal Students:
- UBC Aboriginal Awards: students.ubc.ca/enrolment/finances/awards-scholarships-bursaries/awards-aboriginal
- UBC Musqueam First Nation Scholarship – an entrance award for students who are members of the Musqueam community: students.ubc.ca/enrolment/finances/awards-scholarships-bursaries/musqueam-first-nation-scholarship
Students at Field Centres Other Than UBC Vancouver:
Students at field centres (other than UBC Vancouver) must pay tuition and fees to their field centre’s partner post-secondary institution.
University of the Fraser Valley – ufv.ca/admissions/feeandpay
University of Northern BC – unbc.ca/finance/accounts-receivable/fees-unbc#Undergraduate
Thompson Rivers University – Williams Lake – tru.ca/williamslake/registration/fees.html